
Library Catalog

School HyRead


Library and Reading Development Team

To promote a reading culture at school and cultivate students’ reading habits, we develop a reading programme and a wide range of reading activities for our students. Besides, we also cooperate with different subject departments to hold activities to enhance students’ ability to read and learn. 


Team members

Head: Ms. Lydia Ouyang

Librarian: Ms. Jennifer Yu


Reading Programme

All S1 to S3 students join the Reading Programme for Children and Youth organized by the Hong Kong Public Library. Together with Library Passport, the award scheme organized by our school, we expect to cultivate our students’ reading habits, widen their scope of reading and knowledge, as well as gain achievement via reading. 


Book Recommendation

We have 6 book recommendations throughout the year. Our Student Librarian Team Leaders will share their favourite books with schoolmates in morning assemblies. Through sharing their knowledge and reflection, students can gain some insights and interest in reading.


Book Exhibition

We invite book vendors to our school and organize the book exhibition every year. In the book exhibition, we have Chinese and English books that fulfill our student interests and knowledge needs. Students love to visit the book exhibition, and they always look forward to the next one.


Author Talk

Author talk is another library activity that students love very much. Through the sharing of the authors, students learn more about the story behind the book and widen their knowledge. To deepen and widen the reading experience, we have book displays about the author or theme in our school library. The book displays also attract students to explore more on the author or their publications.

TOSS-FILE01Committees$##2023-241. Academic Committee7. Reading & Library Development TeamActivity2022-202320230623 - Author Talk - 章英傑PhotoIMG_0437.JPG TOSS-FILE01Committees$##2023-241. Academic Committee7. Reading & Library Development TeamActivity2022-202320230210 - 中五級真人圖書館:刺蝟PhotoIMG_0007.JPG


Other Activities

  • Thematic Book Display

  • Thematic Board Display

  • Poster Design Competition

  • Library Activities designed by our student librarian team


Student Librarian Team

We have more than 55 students in our Student Librarian Team. They are responsible for providing library service to schoolmates, such as borrowing and returning library items. More importantly, they are key people to promote reading and cultivate the reading culture in the school environment through library activities, promoting new books, and so on.


There are members of student librarian team:


Head Librarian: 5B Ally Lam



4A Irene Chan

4B Angel Hui

4C Selina Wong

5A Josie Lee

5B Vivian Hong

5C Chloe Chan


Vice – leaders:

3A Candy Huang

3A Beryl Hui

3A Katie Li

3A Summi Li

3A Karly Ngan

4A Yammy Wong



2A Cathy Wu

2B Ada Chen

2B Anna Chow

2B Khan Minahil

2B Emily Tsang

2C Lindsay Li

3A Elaine Gu

2A Carina Lai

3A Annie Lee

3A Kina Li

3A Truda Ng

3B Crystal Chan

3B Chloe Chan

3B Chloe Cheng

3B Olivia Cheng

3B Hazel Kwok

3B Cindy Ng

3B Karen Sze

3B Karen Yan

3C Ella Cheng

3C Kylie Ngam

3D Melody Chan

4A Katy Chow

4A Evelyn Mak

4A Hayley Tse

4B Ronnie Tan

4B Viola Wong

4B Yuki Wu

4C Rainbow Leung

4C Angel Ng

4C Samantha Ting

4C Amy Ye

4C Faye Yip

4D Carina Lam

4D Chloe Lin

4D Athena Poon

4D Abby Tang

4D Rainbow Tsai

4D Winkie Wun

4D Hebe Zeng

5A Vincy Cheung

5A Minnie Law

5C Carmen Kong

5D Jenny Chung