Welcome Message


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Welcome everyone!


School year 2024 – 2025 marks a very special year as we gather to celebrate our school’s 55th anniversary! As we reflect on our journey and honour our achievements, we always remember our vision and mission to nurture young women who dedicate themselves to self-growth and to contributing to the common good of the universe. This is also why we have themed our anniversary as ‘Transformation for the Good of All’.


When we think about transformation, we often focus on big changes. But sometimes, it’s the small acts of kindness, generosity, and sharing that can create the most significant impact. This recalls us the beautiful story of the five loaves and two fish from the Bible. In this story, a young boy offered his small lunch to Jesus, and through His grace, that simple meal transformed into enough food to feed thousands. This miracle teaches us about the power of transformation – not just in the physical sense, but in our own lives and for the common good of the world.


Now you might think, ‘What can I possibly offer?’ But just like that boy who shared his lunch, each of us has unique gifts from God – talents, kindness, creativity and leadership. Sometimes, we don’t realise how powerful those gifts can be until we share them.


Transformation begins with us. Each positive action can inspire others, creating a ripple effect that leads to greater good. When we share our gifts, we open the door for God to work transformation and miracles in our lives and the lives of those around us.


So let’s take inspirations from the five loaves and two fish and reflect on our own gifts. What can we offer? How can we strive to uplift oursleves and those around us? Remember, no gift is too small. In God’s hand, even the simplest offerings can lead to extraordinary outcomes.


Such a beautiful spirit and story has meaningfully embedded into the anniversary logo. A big thank you to our alumnae Ms Christy Tsui and our Visual Arts teacher Ms Jeannie Ho for their design, as well as a good demonstration of sharing gifts and contribution. A beautiful card is also produced for us to read the bible story when we need strength.


Dear teachers and students, parents and alumni, friends of Tak Oi, I invite your full participation in the celebratory events, join in the activities, share our gifts, create our memories and connect with one another. Together, let’s watch how God can turn our little into something miraculous - a true reflection of the Tak Oi spirit and unity! 



Happy Anniversary to our wonderful school!



Ms. Natasha Tsang
