The Parent-Teacher Association was established in 1996, aiming to facilitate the home-school cooperation between parents and the school for creating ideal learning environment and support for the whole-person development of students. Through regular meetings and activities, both parents and teachers can exchange ideas and discuss issues for the benefit of students’ growth and development, thereby making views known to each other and collaborating closely to foster mutual understanding.
關於我們 About Us
第14屆 (2022-2024)德愛中學家長教師會委員名單 |
家長委員 Parent Committee Members: |
主席 Chairperson: 江頌儀女士 (Ms. Joey Kong) 副主席 Vice Chairperson:余漢群女士 (Ms. Anita Yu) 秘書 Secretary: 陳雪嵐女士 (Ms. Michelle Chen) 司庫 Treasurer: 吳睿敏女士 (Ms. Raymin Ng) 康樂 Event Manager: 馮玉蓮女士 (Ms. Can Fung)、周靜女士 (Ms. Ada Chau) 聯絡兼總務 Liaison and General Affairs:劉世僑女士 (Ms. Sakari Lau)、龔偉琼女士 (Ms. Winnie Kung) |
增補委員 Additional Parent Committee Member: 陳淑春女士 (Ms. Lisa Chen)、楊淑儀女士 (Ms. Cat Yeung) |
教師委員 Teacher Committee Members: |
副主席Deputy Vice Chairperson:石翠顏副校長 (Ms. Susanna Shek) 副司庫Deputy Treasurer: 陳兆昌老師 (Mr. Dick Chan) 副秘書Deputy Secretary: 張美儀老師 (Ms. Alice Cheung)、陳惠麗老師 (Ms. Winnie Chan) |
當然顧問 Advisor: | 曾珮琪校長 (Ms. Natasha Tsang) | |
榮譽顧問 Honorary Advisor: |
劉惠蘭修女、鄭豈蓮女士、湯慧儀女士、梁永安先生、 楊冠玲女士、廖葵芳女士、梁志芳女士、蔡振興先生、 李靜雯女士、何利鴻先生、李淑娥女士、方 藝女士 |
Constitution of the Parent Teacher Association of Tak Oi Secondary School (2020 revised version)
會訊 Newsletter
活動 Activities