Good news from Technology and Living department

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news of our talented students' success in the recent Hong Kong Secondary School Students Cooking Competition on 11 May.  3A Greta Lau, 3A Belle Pang, and 3A Karly Ngan showcased their exceptional culinary skills and creative flair, earning themselves the first runner-up position and the Most Creative Award.

Greta, Belle, and Karly's outstanding performance not only impressed the judges but also demonstrated their passion, dedication, remarkable teamwork and ability to think outside the box.

Their culinary creations delighted the taste buds and captivated the judges with their artistic presentation. The judges commended their ability to infuse unique flavors and ingredients, showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and creativity.


We congratulate Greta, Belle, and Karly on their exceptional achievements in the cooking competition.